Student Handbook
Many student resources are available at Mica Peak, through Central Valley School District and within our community.
Dress Code:
The basic responsibility for appropriate attire must rest with the student and his/her parent/guardian, and be consistent with the educational mission of the school district. Mica Peak’s administration and staff are responsible for recognizing cultural factors determining when a student’s dress does not conform to district policy. This policy is in effect at all school activities.
- Apparel/accessories (e.g. including chains, jewelry, bandanas) that can damage school property, be considered gang-related, or be used as a potential weapon, are not acceptable school attire
- Dress that communicates the promotion of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, violence, vulgarity, profanity, or that is disparaging to gender, ethnicity, religion, or that has a sexual connotation is not acceptable school attire
- Clothing that reveals undergarments, bare midriffs, bare backs, or cleavage is not acceptable school attire
- Shorts and skirts must be below fingertips
Sagging pants are not acceptable school attire - Footwear is required
- Hats, baseball caps, etc. are not allowed
- Shorts and skirts must be below fingertips
Please note that this list of dress code violations is not exhaustive. Any additional dress code violations observed must either create a health or safety hazard to the student or others, cause material and substantial disruption of the educational process, or potentially damage school property.
Grades and Reports:
Mica Peak High School issues grades and report cards according to a modified semester schedule or as students complete individualized courses. Each Mica Peak student has an assigned core instructor, who may be contacted for additional information.
Students interested in attending Mica Peak High School will need to contact the main office to set up an interview appointment in order to determine whether Mica Peak is the best educational fit for you and to pick up a registration packet. You will be informed of specific transcript and other supporting documentation that will be required. Interviews are scheduled during all times of the school year.
We would be delighted to have an opportunity to meet with you!
Call (509) 558-5950 to set up an appointment.
Running Start:
Running Start is a college credit program allowing students to earn high school and college credit simultaneously. Spokane Community College, Spokane Falls Community College, and Eastern Washington University offer this opportunity for junior and senior students.
Prerequisites- Must be of junior or senior status. Must score a certain level on the SAT, ACT, or ASSET.
Cost- The college classes are offered tuition free. Students are responsible for books, school fees, and transportation.
For more information about Mica Peak High School student opportunities with Running Start, contact Kamiel Youseph.
Student Expectations:
A contract between students, parents, and teachers-
Mica Peak staff strongly believes that everyone should adhere to certain behaviors to prove we respect others and ourselves; we show responsibility for our own educational plan and its success; and, that we are able to role model positive student behaviors not only for ourselves, but for new students. If you choose to attend Mica Peak, your signature is required to as evidence of your agreement and intention to comply with these expectations.
- Arrive at school before your assigned starting time.
- Sign in with our front office upon arrival.
- You must CALL ahead of time if you plan to be late or absent. Office phone 558-5950
- Late arrivals may not be allowed into their classrooms until the next break period. Those late students who are not allowed into the classroom are expected to contact a parent/guardian/custodian to explain the situation.
- Arrive with paper, pens, pencils, and notebooks daily.
- Be prepared to supply additional materials for major projects.
- Keep track of your own supplies.
- Return all school supplies to their correct storage place.
- Polite, considerate language is always expected.
- Small children should never hear inappropriate or foul language anytime, anyplace on campus!
- If you are on campus it is for credit earning purposes.
- All staff members review productivity regularly throughout the quarters.
- Proof of productivity is measured by presenting completed assignments.
- Non productivity can be a direct route to other programs.
- Social visiting other than at lunch or break is not productive.
- Individualized credit earning expectations must be realized to remain enrolled.
Drugs, alcohol, tobacco:
- Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use is not tolerated on campus.
- Unusual behaviors or appearances may require phone calls home and possibly, urinalysis.
- As a choice high school, you are responsible for your own transportation.
- An STA bus stop is across the street from the school.
- Safe driving and safe parking are required – we have small children on campus
- The staff determines field trip transportation.
- Students 18 and older who do not return from breaks or lunch on time may lose off-campus privileges and parents will be contacted.
- Yelling, abusive language, and/or violence will not be tolerated and may result in being exited from the program. Remember... Respect, Responsibility, and Role modeling
Parents may access the following password-protected information about their student(s):
- Attendance – excused, unexcused for current school year
- Test scores – history of standardized test results (e.g.: SBAC)
- Class schedule
- Academic progress – report cards for students in grades 6-12
- Discipline – lists any incidents occurring over the past three years
- Fines and fees
- Credit audit – for grades 9-12 - lists the requirements still needed for graduation
To access this exciting communication tool, contact your eldest child’s school to receive a unique identification number and password. Your student should have also received different access codes to view the same information.